Hey ya!
Since I have started my journey 11 years ago I have had a creative passion to learn more about how to tell a story with personality and genuine laughter so that I could deliver images that showed you do not need to change yourself to love that stunning girl in front of the camera. I believe in letting your inner beauty come out and to fully embrace yourself. Because you are gorgeous just the way you are and your photos should show that.
Born and raised in northeast Ohio but secretly obsessed with traveling life. I am a hyperactive day squirrel that runs on coffee, dance parties, and snuggles from my spunky little 8 year old and 4 year old twins. My best cheerleader is my husband who I consider to be the most amazing cook in the world. I have a huge love for the special needs community and truly believe differences should be celebrated. I thrive on this awesome sauce life by having no doubt that you should choose happiness and intentionality every day you wake up.
"I have had a creative passion to learn more about how to tell a story with personality and genuine laughter..."
The Family
featured in
pose patch
senior style guide
vibrant senior
indie seniors
senior year magazine